
Average score 283 Reviews
Jérôme Co noted on Google

C'était bon et copieux. Service rapide et agréable. A emporter. (Translated by Google) It was good and plentiful. Fast and pleasant service. Take away.

1 month ago
Tugce noted on Google

serveuse trop gentille !! on mange bien 👍🏼 (Translated by Google) waitress too nice!! we eat well 👍🏼

1 month ago
Laura Syd noted on Google

Les produits sont bons (bien qu’ils pourraient être plus frais). Le prix est raisonnable. C’est un bon restaurant. (Translated by Google) The products are good (although they could be fresher). The price is reasonable. It's a good restaurant.

1 month ago
lili LaTulipe noted on Google

Au top comme toujours 👌🏼 (Translated by Google) On top as always 👌🏼

1 month ago
Laurent Adam noted on Google

1 month ago
Gaelle Boutreaux noted on Google

1 month ago
Anaïs Rinnert noted on Google

1 month ago
lea bruxelle noted on Google

1 month ago
Michel Zimmermann noted on Google

1 month ago
SheShe noted on Google

2 months ago

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